Friday, September 12, 2008

Snapped Up Right Out of the Gate

Tolly Moseley, my publicist, had me all prepared for an underwhelming response to the publication of my book in the first week it was out. A wise, experienced woman.

So Game Widow published on September 1st, 2008, and the producers at Dr. Phil called on the 3rd to ask if I were interested in coming on the show. Several interviews later, and I've passed muster. It looks as though I'll actually be taping the show on 9/16, and making excuses about the camera adding twenty pounds in the first part of October. (Apparently the show airs about 2-3 weeks after it tapes, so they can edit out all the times I say "ya know.")

Exciting, yes. Nauseating, yes. A boring first couple of weeks, hardly! Also, I've now interviewed by email and phone with reporters from the Utah Statesman, Daily Milenio (huge newspaper in Mexico), and Austin American-Statesman, who were all very gracious and interested.

Thanks to everyone who stepped up to help this week so I could do a rapid change from work-at-home mom to work-everywhere-mom. And thanks to all of you who have already bought Game Widow, and spread the news to friends that it isn't just the personal story of a game widow, or some bitter tome of revenge.

Now if only Second Skin would come to my local theater on the night a babysitter is available, my happiness would be complete!

(Wendy Kays is the author of Game Widow, now available in all awesome online and offline bookstores. You can get more information at

1 comment:

Lyoness said...

Second Skin is a great documentary! I was lucky to see it when it premiered in Toronto. I also got a chance to meet Victor in person finally. You definitely should try and watch it.